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Disclosure under Right to Information act

The College has complied with the mandatory disclosure norms under the Right to information Act and the required information has been put up on the website of the College.

Dr Ranjeet Kumar, Department of Political Science, Public Information Officer (PIO), Ph No. 9891061858, Off. No. 29253430

1st. Appellate Authority:

Dr S K Sinha (Actg. Principal), Contact No. Mob. No. 9582535248 Off. No. 29253430 To obtain Information, any citizen of India can apply to the PIO of the College on a plain paper along with a Draft/IPO or cash of Rs. 10/- and submit it, in the office of the Principal or send it by post.
An appeal can be placed before the 1st Appellate Authority against the decision of the PIO. Important information regarding the following ordinances of the University of Delhi is available on the Website of the College (

The students can also access the information in these ordinances from the College Library (Contact Person: Dr Poonam Choudhary, Librarian).

Ordinance No-. VIII (E)1 : Internal Assessment
Ordinance No. XV (B) : Maintenance of Discipline
Ordinance No. XV (C) 1 : Prohibition of and Punishment for Ragging

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