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Website Management Committee

An accessible and approachable website is vital for any institution in the present era. In case of educational institution, it becomes all the more crucial as they need to provide information for existing and prospective students, their parents, faculties and alumni. Headed and guided by an active team, the WMC consistently checks, modifies, and updates the website to make it ever more informative, engaging and user-friendly. With commencement of the new academic session 2020-21, the consequences that pandemic brought with it led to the shutdown of colleges and institutions worldwide in the physical mode. This increased the dependency of the educational institutions, existing and new students more on the internet for imparting and extracting the needed information. Therefore, to meet the new challenges the need for revamping the existing website was envisaged. The already active Website Management Committee was, therefore, expanded to refurbish the website of the college. The Website Management Committee (WMC) was formed in 2020 to revamp the college website and build a one-stop platform that would provide visitors all necessary information regarding the institution.

The concerned authorities of the various departments, societies, and committees, and staff members can share all the relevant information to be uploaded on the website through the official email id:

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