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Sangh-Kriti is an intercultural society of Shaheed Bhagat Singh (Evening) College, University of Delhi. It was formed in 2019 with the motto of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’. Sangh-Kriti aims to bring students from different cultural backgrounds together and to help them understand each other.

At Sangh-Kriti we celebrate different cultures, artistic expressions, beliefs and value systems. Within a short span of time, this society has successfully organized open discussions, games, and workshops that leave students informed as well as creatively stimulated.

The activities of Sangh-Kriti are directed at removing negative stereotypes as well as infusing a sense of positivity and oneness. We use our cultural diversity to gain a broader perspective of our nation, society and the world. In the ever-growing galaxy of students from different cultural systems, Sangh-Kriti is a guide, companion and friend.

Why is this society needed?
=> To abolish all negative stereotypes.
=> To establish a view of nationalism in between the students from diverse cultures.
=> To understand the worldview of different cultures.
=> To create a sense of unity.
=> To know the different socio-political ideologies of various states.
=> To gain knowledge of international relations
=> To find a method to put an end to cultural hatred.

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