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North East Society

Every year, many young students from the northeast to enrol in the various disciplines offered by the Shaheed Bhagat Singh college, they are representative of beautiful and diverse cultures of North Eastern India. With the growing presence of the northeast in the college, a need for better awareness and understanding of its different communities and cultures was felt. Shaheed Bhagat College was one of the first colleges to recognise the need of a society which can not only be used as a platform to raise the concerns of students but also as a collective medium to share the rich heritage of the north eastern states, the main aim of the Society/Forum is to create a platform for students from the northeast to highlight the region’s social and political issues, and present its rich and vibrant culture. Thus, familiarizing and sensitizing other students and colleagues to the social, cultural and political fabric of the region. The Society regularly organizes talks and lectures by eminent authors, intellectuals and scholars from the north-east. The annual cultural festivals showcasing the music, dances, costumes and cuisines of the north east attract huge crowds. The society has objectives of:-
• Coordinate all activities for addressing issues concerning students of the North-Eastern States including special problems/challenges and to take initiatives for their development and empowerment.
• All matters relating to seminars/workshops/consultation/research studies/legal awareness programmes, etc. in North east States.
• Capacity development and skill development for students of North Eastern India.

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